Ass. Prof. Julio Antonio Larrea Jiménez
Room: 3047 (Ala-2, main building)
Email: larrea@if.usp.br
Telephone: +55 11 30916727
I am Peruvian physicist with B. Phys. and Diploma degrees from the National University of San Marcos (Peru, 1998). I obtained my M. Phys. (2000) and Ph. D. (2003) degrees from the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF), where also stayed as junior postdoctoral researcher (2004–2007).
I also worked as research associate at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (2007–2009), as a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Solid State Physics of Vienna University of Technology (2010-2014), with a partial dual affiliation with the Physics Department of the University of Johannesburg (2014). In 2015 I came back to CBPF as Visiting Scientist.
Since 2018, I enrolled as Assistant Professor in the Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo . My current challenge is to lead my research group with special focus on material synthesis and development of experimental methods under extreme conditions with the aim to uncover the fate of topological quantum matter and correlated quantum phenomena close to quantum phase transitions.
Research interests
- Investigation of correlated phenomena in Ce-based Kondo lattices close to quantum critical points.
- Investigation of quantum magnetism in frustrated spin systems close to a quantum phase transitions.
- Investigation of quantum phase transition induced by dimensionality and size reduction.
- Uncovering the fate of topological matter.
- Development of high-pressure apparatus (range from few kbar up to 250 kbar).
- Material synthesis (bulk polycrystals, thin films and nanoparticles) with strongly correlated electron properties.
- Going beyond the state-of-the-art: Upgrading AC methods to measure specific heat, thermal conductivity, electrical transport and magnetic susceptibility under simultaneous extreme conditions: very high-pressure (up tp 25 GPa), very low temperature (down to 40 mK) and intensive magnetic fields (up to 17 T), in both bulk and thin films.
- Combine local-probe spectroscopies: Mossbauer spectroscopy, neutron scattering and Synchrotron radiation.
- Synergy between basic science and technology: Sustainable coolers
Collaborators map
Selected Publications
1. Jiménez, J. L., Crone, S. P. G., Fogh, E., Zayed, M. E., Lortz, R., Pomjakushina, E., … & Mila, F. (2020). A quantum magnetic analogue to the critical point of water. Nature 592, 370–375 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03411-8
2. Julio Larrea J.; MARTELLI, VALENTINA ; RONNOW, H . High-pressure specific heat technique
to uncover novel states of quantum matter. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS.
3. MARTELLI, V. ; J. Larrea J. ; CAI, A. ; NICA, E. M. ; TAUPIN, M. ; PROKOFIEV, ANDREY ; LIU, C. ; LAI, H. ; YU, R. ; INGERSENT, K. ; KUCHLER, R. ; STRYDOM, A. ; GEIGER, D. ; HÄNEL, JONATHAN ; SI, Q. ; S. Paschen . Sequential localization of a complex electron fluid. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, v. 116, p. 17701-17706, 2019.

7. Larrea J.; STRYDOM, A. M. ; MARTELLI, V. ; PROKOFIEV, A. ; LORENZER, K.-A. ; RØNNOW, H. M. ; PASCHEN, S. . Converse effect of pressure on the quadrupolar and magnetic transition in. Physical Review B, v. 93, p. 125121, 2016.

9. J. Larrea J.; PLESSEL, J. ; Abd-Elmeguid ; FONTES, M. ; JORNADA, J. ; PEREIRA, A. ; J. Ferstel ; C. Geibel . Phase diagram of the heavy fermion system YbFe2Ge2 under pressure. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 74, p. 140406R, 2006.

12. J. Larrea J.; SANCHEZ, D. R. ; LITTERST, J. ; BAGGIO-SAITOVITCH, E. ; FERNANDES, J. C. ; CONTINENTINO, M. ; GUIMARAES, . Magnetism and charge ordering in Fe3O2BO3 studied by Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, United States, v. 70, p. 44521-44528, 2004.
Further Info
- For complete list of publication visit: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8451-8469
- For more information about my CV visit: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0674072548188723