The Lab
Low temperature - Magnetic field -High pressure infrastructure

The IceOxford cryostat works in the 300-1.5 K temperature range and is provided with a 9T superconducting magnet. The cryostat is customized to perform measurements under very high-pressures (up to 250 kbar).

An Advanced Research System Cryocooler allows to perform experiments between 300-10 K.

High pressure loading stations: 10 and 45 Tons.
Experimental methods
Ad-hoc experimental platforms are developed at LQMEC to investigate physical properties at low temperature, under magnetic field, under high pressure.
We perform experiments of electrical transport, thermoelectric transport, AC and DC thermal conductivity, AC specific heat, magnetic properties under multiple extreme conditions.

Lab-tools for extreme conditions

LQMEC counts with a set of advanced instruments for the preparation of the experiments under extreme conditions: high-resolution stereoscope, desktop stereoscopes, spot-welding machine.